3 Free Keyword Tools You Can Really Use To Get More Traffic!

I have some helpful information on 3 free tools that you can really use!

1. AUKDAT – for finding keyword density and more!
2. Typo Generator – you’ll be amazed at this one!
3. Keyword Manager – scrubs, combines, wraps, rearranges and more!

1. First and foremost is the incredible and free AUKDAT!

The Article Underground Keyword Density Analyzer Tool.

You’ll want to bookmark this free tool because AUKDAT is great to use to find out WHAT WORDS are on your individual web pages. That’s powerful info – right???

Think about it – why guess what keywords are best to link – use AUKDAT to find out which KEYWORD PHRASES appear most often and link these in text links in as many places as you can (ideally externally on other web sites – but of course – INTERNAL LINKS are good too!!!

Ahhhh…. keywords in link text… yes – that is a secret weapon we can use to get MORE FREE TRAFFIC!

This is far more powerful than it may appear on the surface, because not only does AUKDAT show you the “single keywords” that are on your analyzed URL – BUT – it will also show you the TWO WORD PHRASES and THREE WORD PHRASES that are on your web page and tell you how many times they appear!

In fact – you can also use AUKDAT to help you find keywords on your web page that do NOT appear often enough. Simply add the phrase a few more times on your page in sentences, resource boxes and links, and the keyword density goes up! This is another powerful secret weapon that will get you more rankings for your page! ADD MORE WORDS! It’s easy to do with AUKDAT!

It only takes a few seconds to analyze your web page and find out the keyword density of the words on your page.

This can be really powerful because NOW you can instantly find the BEST keywords that really are on your web pages and use them for your LINK TEXT! Ahhhh yes – link text – and Google loves to see KEYWORDS in your link text that REALLY appear on your web pages!

Trust me on this – when Google sees links pointing at your pages that have the EXACT keyword phrases that appear on your pages – you’ll start to see rankings like you have never seen before! And not only will you get traffic and rankings for that exact phrase – BUT – Google is really smart and will also start ranking you for LONG TAIL variations as it gives you SUPER POWERS for the words it sees in your LINK TEXT – whether on their own or combined with OTHER words Google sees on your pages.

This is an often overlooked BONUS EFFECT which you will see once you start creating keyword rich text links using a wide variety of keywords that really appear on your pages!

There is a video on that page which explains how to use the keyword tool.


2. Typo Generator – simple and easy – find your misspellings in a flash!

I’ve really started to appreciate this great free tool because Typo Generator will take one keyword phrase or a list of keywords and turn it into many!

Enter your keyword phrase and select from the options: skip letter, double letters, reverse letters, skip spaces, missed key and inserted key.

Generate with one method or all!

Now I know there are some folks out there going WHY would I want to find TYPOS or MISSPELLINGS???

Because there is a TON of traffic to be had for these often overlooked powerhouses. Yes, it may be true that some misspellings only bring a handful of visitors each decade – BUT – some of them – especially PHRASES that are combined by removing the SPACE between the words – can bring in huge numbers of visitors!

Of course I suggest you use this tool sparingly – you don’t want to litter all your pages with loads of typos – but you can strategically place these words among your articles, web pages and even in link text.

Those of you who do PPC will love this tool because often misspellings and typos bring in lots of traffic for pennies per click. Check out the tool and bookmark it!


3. RevenueWire Keyword Manager

This one is free but it’s an application you need to run from your PC. It’s really really REALLY cool!

If you have ever wanted to strip out junk from your lists – this is the tool for you! Of course it also does great things like rearrange keyword phrases.

Look at this my friends - one two three – that one phrase can be rearranged into permutations such as:

one two three
one three two
two one three
two three one
three one two
three two one

How cool is that???

Ahhh…. this is perfect to use when you want to find VARIATIONS so your page is not loaded with the SAME EXACT PHRASE over and over… shuffle the order and rearrange the phrase! I suspect Google might appreciate this!

The tool does other stuff too – remove duplicates, extra spaces, characters, words, chop words, change case and it even sorts. Not bad for free… Go get it!


Well, that should be enough to get your brain spinning! I hope this list of 3 freebie tools helps you get more traffic and top rankings!

Best wishes for success!!





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